CERES TAG CEO David Smith spoke on the exciting new partnership, saying,

“Bringing on new Software Partners like agCommander offers more farmers across the world more access to CERES TAG and the critical data insights into that our devices offer into their animals and the livestock and agriculture industry. The technology that drives us and software partners like agCommander gives our customers insights into feed efficiency, methane emissions, animal movement and behaviour, and the powerful mapping systems and record keeping abilities of agCommander allows CERES TAG to continue with our mission of Connecting People with Animals. I can’t wait to continue building on this relationship with the team at agCommander.”


The agCommander – CERES TAG integration has added a powerful animal data analysis capability to our software. 

The features include: 

  • Animal location history per animal on your farm map ..  for up the past 14 days
  • Charts showing animal observations like: 
    • pasture intake
    • methane gas emissions 
    • time spent grazing
    • time spent resting/ruminating
  • Reports showing alerts, observations, pasture intake, times walking and resting, temperature, location (coordinates) can be view for all tagged animals
  • Alerts of low and high activity can be sent by SMS to your mobile phone or by email


Please contact us for more information and pricing